Getting Started

Third-party libraries


Metadata descriptions

Metadata descriptions are descriptions that could be used for configuration of NuClear River components. It's a DSL based on C#.This is the way to customize NuClear River behaviour for a specific bounded context.

Let's take a short tour on main parts of metadata descriptions. You can find all classes and interfaces discussed here in 2GIS.NuClear.Metamodeling library.

Note Code of 2GIS.NuClear.Metamodeling library is in a progress of opensourcing. The detailed documentation would be found there.

At first, you need to put an attention on MetadataElement abstract class. When you need to describe some valuable thing in you domain, you'll derive from this class. Every MetadataElement has an Identity of IMetadataElementIdentity type:

public interface IMetadataElementIdentity : IEquatable<IMetadataElementIdentity>
    Uri Id { get; }

For example, let's take an entities area and create metadata descriptions for it. So, every entity instance have key properties, regular properties and some relations with other instances. Hence, we have 3 types of elements (classes derived from MetadataElement):

  • EntityElement
  • EntityPropertyElement
  • EntityRelationElement

For simplicity, let EntityElement will look like this:

public sealed class EntityElement : MetadataElement
    internal EntityElement(
        IMetadataElementIdentity identity, IEnumerable<IMetadataFeature> features)
        : base(identity, features)

    public IEnumerable<EntityPropertyElement> KeyProperties
            return ResolveFeature<EntityIdentityFeature, IEnumerable<EntityPropertyElement>>(
                f => f.IdentifyingProperties, Enumerable.Empty<EntityPropertyElement>());

    public IEnumerable<EntityPropertyElement> Properties
        get { return Elements.OfType<EntityPropertyElement>(); }

    public IEnumerable<EntityRelationElement> Relations
        get { return Elements.OfType<EntityRelationElement>(); }

EntityPropertyElement and EntityRelationElement are more simplier:

public sealed class EntityPropertyElement : MetadataElement
    private readonly IStructuralModelTypeElement _typeElement;

    internal EntityPropertyElement(
        IMetadataElementIdentity identity, 
        IStructuralModelTypeElement typeElement, 
        IEnumerable<IMetadataFeature> features)
        : base(identity, features)
        if (typeElement == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("typeElement");

        _typeElement = typeElement;

    public IStructuralModelTypeElement PropertyType
        get { return _typeElement; }

    public bool IsNullable
        get { return ResolveFeature<EntityPropertyNullableFeature, bool>(f => f.IsNullable); }

public sealed class EntityRelationElement : MetadataElement
    internal EntityRelationElement(
        IMetadataElementIdentity identity, IEnumerable<IMetadataFeature> features)
        : base(identity, features)

    public EntityElement Target
            return ResolveFeature<EntityRelationCardinalityFeature, EntityElement>(
                f => f.Target,
                () => { throw new InvalidOperationException("The cardinality was not specified."); });


The second important point here - is the abstract MetadataElementBuilder class. You'll need to derive from this class to be able to "connect" metadata elements with each other using fluent syntax. Just take a look at EntityElementBuilder class:

public sealed class EntityElementBuilder : MetadataElementBuilder<EntityElementBuilder, EntityElement>
    private readonly HashSet<Uri> _keyNames = new HashSet<Uri>();
    private readonly List<EntityPropertyElementBuilder> _propertyConfigs = new List<EntityPropertyElementBuilder>();
    private readonly List<EntityRelationElementBuilder> _relationConfigs = new List<EntityRelationElementBuilder>();

    private Uri _entityId;

    public Uri EntityId
            if (_entityId == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The id was not set.");

            return _entityId;

    public EntityElementBuilder Name(string name)
        _entityId = UriExtensions.AsUri(name);
        return this;

    public EntityElementBuilder HasKey(params string[] propertyNames)
        foreach (var propertyName in propertyNames)
        return this;

    public EntityElementBuilder Property(EntityPropertyElementBuilder property)
        return this;

    public EntityElementBuilder Relation(EntityRelationElementBuilder relation)
        return this;


So, after that work done, you'll be able to describe entities in your domain:

StructuralModelElementBuilder ConceptualModel =



Next, you can use this description in your code with IMetadataProvider. Everything you need to get it from provider is appropriate IMetadataElementIdentity type:

public sealed class QueryingMetadataIdentity : MetadataKindIdentityBase<QueryingMetadataIdentity>
    private readonly Uri _id = Metamodeling.Elements.Identities.Builder.Metadata.Id.For("Querying");

    public override Uri Id
        get { return _id; }

    public override string Description
        get { return "Querying identity"; }

internal static class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        IMetadataProvider metadataProvider;


        MetadataSet metadataSet;
        metadataProvider.TryGetMetadata<QueryingMetadataIdentity>(out metadataSet);


To learn more about metadata descriptions, see NuClear Metamodeling's project docs.

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